Grower Supporters

Join the NPC Grower Supporter Campaign – Protect the Future of the U.S. Potato Industry

The National Potato Council (NPC) Grower Supporter Campaign is a critical initiative that ensures the voices of U.S. potato growers are heard where it matters most—on Capitol Hill. Your support directly fuels our efforts to advocate for policies that protect, strengthen, and advance our industry from production to consumption.

Why Your Support Matters

As the only national organization dedicated to representing the interests of U.S. potato growers on Capitol Hill, NPC fights for policies that safeguard your ability to farm and thrive. In 2024, thanks to Grower Supporters like you, NPC achieved major victories, including:

Defending Potatoes in Federal Nutrition Policy – Stopping efforts to unfairly reclassify potatoes and limit their role in Americans’ diets.
Securing the Largest USDA Surplus Purchase in Industry History – Protecting growers from oversupply challenges.
Advocating for Increased Economic Relief – Encouraging USDA to expand financial assistance for specialty crop growers.

But the work is far from over. In 2025, NPC is focused on tackling key industry challenges, including:

🔹 Protecting Growers from Overregulation – Pushing back against excessive government policies that threaten farm operations.
🔹 Strengthening the U.S. Potato Industry Through Trade & Research – Ensuring investments that keep our industry competitive.
🔹 Securing Fair Labor Policies – Addressing the ongoing agriculture labor crisis and advocating for workable solutions.
🔹 Reinforcing the Nutritional Value of Potatoes – Fighting for fair representation in federal dietary guidelines and nutrition programs.

Be Part of the Solution

By becoming a Grower Supporter, you play a direct role in securing a stronger, more sustainable future for the U.S. potato industry. Your contribution fuels NPC’s efforts to ensure growers have a seat at the table when key decisions are made in Washington, D.C.

📢 Join the 2025 Grower Supporter Campaign Today!

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Thank You to Our 2024 Grower Supporters

We extend our sincere appreciation to the dedicated growers who supported NPC in 2024. Your commitment has helped drive meaningful policy victories that protect our industry. Together, we make a difference. Thank you for standing with NPC and ensuring a strong future for U.S. potatoes! 🚜🥔

👉2024 Grower Supporters

Diamond Supporters – $1,000

Basin Gold Cooperative

Benjamin Sklarczyk, Sklarczyk Seed Farm LLC

David Warsh, Warsh Farms

Ed Schneider, Schneider Farms Pasco LLC

Edward Schneider, Schneider Farms Pasco LLC

Jared Balcom, Balcom & Moe Inc.

Jeremie Pavelski, Heartland Farms, Inc.

Jess Clarke, Western Potatoes, Inc.

Jim Tiede, James Tiede Farms

John Halverson, Black Gold Farms

Larry Alsum, Heidi Alsum-Randall, and Wendy
Alsum Farms, Inc.

Lucas Wysocki, Paragon Potato Farms

Lynn J. Olsen, L.J. Olsen, Inc.

Lynn Olsen II, Olsen Ag Inc.

Okray Family Farms, Inc.

Randy Hardy, Hardy Farms, Inc.

Richard Pavelski, Heartland Farms, Inc.

Sid Schutter, Schutter Seed Farm, Inc.

Sklarczyk Seed Farm LLC

Tim Venhuizen, Spring Creek Farms

Tony Wisdom, Skagit Valley Farm LLC

Wysocki Produce Farm, G.P.

2024 Platinum Supporters – $500


AJ Ochoa, Terra Gold Farms, Inc.

Bill Kimm, Kimm Seed Potatoes

Bittersweet Farms

Blanca Potato LLC.

Brian Jones, Sun Valley Potatoes, Inc.

Bryan Mickelsen, Rigby Produce, Inc.

Coy Crapo, Nor Vue Farms

Dave Moquist, O.C. Schulz & Sons

Dean Gibson, Magic Valley Produce, Inc.

Dennis Bula

Ed Staunton, Staunton Farms

Eric Halverson, Black Gold Farms, Inc.

Fred & Blake Olberding, Cloud 9 Farms

G-2 Farming, LLC

Garth Van Orden, Garth Van Orden Farms

Grant Morris, Schneider Farms-Pasco, LLC

Greg Juul, G-2 Farming, LLC

Hall’s G4, LLP

Jake Wardenaar, Sunray Farms, LLC

Jason Tillman, Monte Vista Potato Growers

Joseph Thompson, Thompson Seed Potatoes

Keith Holland, Holland Farms

LaJoie Growers, LLC

Lisa Hickman, Countrywide Potato

Lynn Wilcox, Floyd Wilcox & Sons, Inc.

Masser Family of Companies

Mel Davenport, Potandon Produce

Michael Cohen and Jeff DeWald, Agribusiness Succession Advisors

Nick Somers, Plover River Farms Alliance, Inc.

Peter Ewing, Ewing Farms Inc.

Peter Imle, Pine Lake Wild Rice Farm, Inc.

Randall Palmgren, Palmgren Farms, Inc.

Raybould Brothers Farms

Ryan Cranney, Cranney Farms

Scott James, Triple J Inc.

Steve Diercks, Coloma Farms, Inc.

Tim Eames, Eames Acres

Gold Supporters – $200


Alvin K. Kunugi, Kunugi Farms, Inc.

Andy McGlinn, Crown Farms

Behrend, Behrend and Knittel Farms

Bernard Smiarowski, Teddy C. Smiarowski Farm

Bill Buyan, Buyan Ranch Inc.

Blake Bennett, Tri-Cities Produce, Inc.

Bradley Nilson, Nilson Farms, Inc.

Brent Heisler, Johnson Foundation Seed

Brett Jensen, Brett Jensen Farms

Brian Neufeld, Neufeld Farms

Bryan Alford, Alford Farms, Inc.

Craig Searle, Sage View Ag, LLC

Dan Lake, Lake Seed, Inc.

Daniel Chin, Chin Family Farms Organic

Daniel Dyk & Bill Lee, Dyk Seed Potato LLC

Daniel Sifer, Her Foods, Inc.

David Bartlett, Bartlett Farms

David Lake, Lake Seed, Inc.

Dean Bair, Thompson Seed Potatoes

Dennis Iott, Iott Seed Farms

Dominic LaJoie, LaJoie Growers, LLC

Doug Gross, Doug Gross Farms, Inc.

Doug Hanks, Hanks Farms, Inc.

Doug Ruff, Ruff Times Farms

E.J. Dorsey, United Insurance

Ed Stastny, Stastny Farms

Ellie Charvet

Eric Blaser, Blaser’s Sandy Sage Farms

Evan, Tom, & Andrew Torkelson, Torkelson Bros. Inc.

Gerald Miller, Aroostook Produce Dist Inc.

Glen Goodman, Jones Produce, Inc.

Greg Harris

Harry Strohauer, Strohauer Farms, Inc.

J.W. Mattek & Sons, Inc.

Jared Gehring, Gehring Agri-Business

Jason Selvidge, Buttonwillow Land & Cattle Company

Jeannie Tapley, Maine Potato Board

Jeff Edling, Edling Farms, Inc.

Jeff Jennings, John E. Ferebee Farming, Inc.

Jeff VanOrden, VanOrden Enterprises

JMR Farms, Inc.

Joe Seis, Sterling Farms, LLC

John Crooks, Crooks Farms, Inc.

John Miller, John Miller Farms, Inc.

John R Wallace Farms

Johnny Thiele, Gilleshammer-Thiele Farms Inc.

Justin Dagen, Dagen Heritage Farms

Kathy Michael Sponheim, Michael Family Farms

Katie Neumiller-Floming, Neumiller Farms

Keith Doyen, Willard C. Doyen & Sons

Ken Wiles, Mack Farms, Inc.

Kent Palmgren, Kent Palgren Farms

Kevin Troyer, Troyer Land Resources

Klaren Koompin, Koompin Farms

Kramer Bell, Bell Bros.

Lloyd Kuster, Bremer Insurance Agencies, Inc.

Margaret Goehl Trujillo, Goehl Ranches, Inc.,
   Threemile Canyon Farms

Mark Trotman, Baley-Trotman Farms, LLC

Marvin Wollman, Warden Hutterian Brethren

Miguel Diaz, Martinez Farms

Mike & James Macy, Macy Farms

Pat Lake, Lake Seed, Inc.

Piper Farms

Preston Thiele, Gilleshammer-Thiele Farms Inc.

Ragen Horst, E.K. Bare & Sons, Inc.

Ralph Child, Childstock Farms

Richard and Carol Okray, Okray Family Farms, Inc.

Richard Polatis, Polatis Farms

Riley Jungquist, Maple Wood Farm, Inc.

Ritchey Toevs, Toevs Farm

RJ Andrus

Rob Lane, Lane Farms Inc.

Robert (Robbie) Irving, Irving Farms, Inc.

Roger Mix, Mix Farms

Scott Fenters, Easy Growing, LLC

Scott Searle, Pine View Farms, LLC

Segundo Diaz, Martinez Farms

Sid Staunton, Cal Ore Produce

Steve Striech, Steich & Associates

Tim Lake, Lake Seed, Inc.

Tim May

Todd Michael

Todd Young, Sandyland Farms

Tony & Dee Ann Amstad, Amstad Farms

Troy Betz, Bud-Rich Potato

Tyler Mitchell, Mike Mitchell Farms, LLC

Weston Walker, Gold Dust Potato Processors, Inc.

Worley Family Farms, LLC

Silver Supporters – $100

Ball Brothers Produce

Barry Kingsbury, Kingsbury Co

Beutler Farms

Brant Darrington, Marsh Creek Farms

Brent Flewelling, Flewelling Family Farms

Brian Baglien, Tobiason Potato Co., Inc.

Bryan Bell, Bell Bros.

Carl Smith, Carl Smith Potatoes

Chris and Valery, Barnett Farms

Crown Farms

Cynthia Collette, Alan Collette Farming Association

Danny Johns, Blue Sky Farms

David Pickett, Pickett Ranch & Sheep Co.

David Yorgesen, Yorgesen Farms Inc.

Dennis Zeloski

Donald Wirz, WIRZ INC

Doug Michael, Michael Farms, Inc. OH

Ed Barnhill

Ernie Myers, Mountain Valley Produce, LLC

Fitzpatrick & Peabody Farms

Frank Nightingale, Nightingale Farms, LLC

Golden Sun Farms

Goose Island Farm

Greg Ebe, Ebe Farms LLC

Harry McCall, Tri Winner Irving

Jay Savage, Savage Farms, Inc.

John Evans, Evans Farms

Jonathan Blass, Coolridge Farms

Karl Hofmann, Hofmann Potatoes

Keith Labrie, Labrie Farms, LLC

Ken Gray, Bushwick Commission Co.

Kevin Datthyn, Abe Datthyn Farms

Kevin Yorgesen, Yorgesen Farms Inc.

Kirk Jacobs, Silver K Farms

Laura Pickett, Flying A Ranch

Lawrence Good, Crestone View Farms

Mark Thompson, Thompson Brothers

Martin Kimm, Kimm Brothers Farming LLC

Mathew Skogman, S&L Seed Potato Farm

Michael Murphy, Mountain Vista Farms, LLC

Mountain View Seed Farms LLC

Nick Desautel

Nick Phelps, M K Phelps Farm, Inc.

Paris Penfold, Penfold Farms

Patricia Kaiser, Kaiser Farms, Inc.

Pickett Ranch & Sheep Co.

Robert Jackson

Rodney And Dale Johnson, Johnson Brothers

Roger Starkel, Starkel Farms, Inc.

Russ Kehl, Kehl Farms, LLC

Ryan Bybee, GPOD of Idaho

Ryan Tucker, 4-L Family Farms, LLC

Salazar Farms

Sheldon Rockey

Tamas Houlihan, WPVGA

Trever Belnap, Ball Brothers Produce

Vernon Frederickson, Frederickson Farming, LLC

W.S. Floyd Farms

Walter Parkins, Royal Farms, Inc.

Bronze Supporters – $50

Adam Jensen, Jensen Farms, Inc. / AJ Farms, Inc.

Adam Weber, Weber Farms

Al Lopez, Jones Produce, Inc

Albert Stahl, Stahl Hutterian

Allen Horning, Horning Brothers LLC

Allen Olberding, Olberding Seed

Andrew Hyer, Desert Ridge Produce

Ann Van Dyke, Blakal Packing, Inc.

Austin Ochoa, Terra Gold Farms, Inc.

Barry Hill, Hill Family Farms

Bart Connors, Skone & Connors Produce Inc.

Benny Johnson

Berend Friehe, Friehe Farms

Bill Weber, Weber Farms

Blaine Meek, AgriNorthwest

Blake Bennett, Tri-Cities Produce

Blake Higley, Sun Valley Ranch Inc.

Blake Van Dyke, Van Dyke and Cedergreen Farms

Bob Diefenbach, Better Tater Farms

Bob Dodge, Dodge & Dodge Farms

Bob Hughes, Hughes Farms

Boe Stallings

Brad Smith, S & B Farms, Inc.

Brandon Boorman, Boorman Farms LLC

Brandon Schaapman, Integrity AG Inc.

Brett Bergeson, Bergeson Farms, LLC

Brett Reynolds, Reynolds Agribusiness, LLC

Brian Drouhard, Bluewater Farms

Brian Waltner, Treehouse Produce, Inc.

Brock Ingman, Maple Wood Farms, Inc.

Chad Egbert, Bradlea Farms Inc.

Charlie Cedergreen, Van Dyke and Cedergreen Farms

Chris Hyer, Genesis Organic Farms

Chris Olsen, Two O’s

Chris Piper, Piper Farms

Chuck Stadick, Spud Viking Potato Consulting

Clay Allen, Allied Potato NW

Clay Easterday, Triple E Farms

Cody Dean, CSS Farms, LLC

Cole Easterday, Triple E Farms

Connor Olsen, OSR Ag

Conrad King, Deep Roots Farms

Cully Easterday

Cutter Easterday, Triple E Farms

Dallon Christensen, Del Christensen and Sons

Damon Christensen, Del Christensen and Sons

Dan Freeman, Airway Farms

Dan Gundersen, Knutzen Farms LP

Danny Egbert, Bradlea Farms Inc.

Darrin Morrison, Skagit Valley Best

Dave Hughes, Hughes Farms

Dave Wyckoff, Wyckoff Farms

David Alexander, Potato Country Magazine

Davina Ward Pink, Ramkissoon Ag

Del Christensen, Del Christensen and Sons

Dennis Wright, AgriNorthwest

Derek Allred, Mt. View Acres

Derek Davenport, Allied Potato NW

Derek Friehe, Friehe Farms

Derek Olsen, Olsen Ag., Inc.

Eric James, James Bros., Inc.

Eric Piper, Piper Farms

Eric Walker, Walker Brothers

Erik Rogers, Island Potatoes

Frank Gross, Marlin Hutterian Brethren

Frank Martinez, Saddle View Farms

Fred Gross, Spokane Hutterian Brethren

Fred Olberding, Cloud 9 Farms

Gary Diefenbach, Better Tater Farms

Gavin Johnson, Johnson Agriprises, Inc.

Gerald Weyns, Weyns Farms

Gilbert Hintz, Bench Mark Farms

Glen Roundy Jr., Roundy Farms/Columbia Waters Farms

Greg Horning, Horning Brothers LLC

Greg Thaemert, Thaemert Farms LLC

Havila Roberts, American Lady Growers

Heath Gimmestad, Friehe Farms

Henry Reiner

Jack Holzer, Holzer Farms

Jack Wallace, Wallace Farms/G&D Wallace Inc.

Jake Gross, Marlin Hutterian Brethren

Jake Wollman Jr., Warden Hutterian Brethren

James Alford, Alford Farms

James Baker, James L Baker Farms, LLC

James Gross, Spokane Hutterian Brethren

Jared Fielding, Hillside Farms, LLC

Jeff Hughes, Hughes Farms

Jeff Jones, Jones Produce, Inc

Jenn Smith, S & B Farms, Inc.

Jerry Allred, Mt. View Acres

Jerry Nelson, Double N Potatoes

Jody Easterday, Easterday Farms Produce Company

Joe Sobolik, Clemenson Sobolik Farm

John Stahl, Stahl Hutterian

John Thulen, Pioneer Potatoes

John Weber, Weber’s Farms

Jonty Hofer, Schoonover Farms

Jordan Reed, JM Farms

Josh Bunger, Bunger Farms

Josh Roberts, American Lady Growers

Juan Martinez, Saddle View Farms

Justin Halverson, Halverson Farms

Kathy Blasdel, Kiska Farms

Kees Weyns, Weyns Farms

Keith Morrison, Skagit Valley Best

Keith Teigs, KT Farms, LLC

Kelly McKnight, Pioneer Potatoes

Ken Jones, Jones Produce, Inc

Ken Schutte, Schutte Farms Inc.

Kenneth Koompin, Koompin Farms

Kerry Heilig, Heilig Farms

Kevin Thaemert, Thaemert Farms LLC

Kevin Weber, Weber Farms

Kraig Knutzen, Knutzen Farms LP

Kris Butcher, Providence Farms

Kristi Gundersen, Knutzen Farms LP

Larry Schaapman, Integrity AG Inc.

Lonnie Blasdel, Kiska Farms

Mark Hammer, Mullen Farms

Matt Funk, AgriNorthwest

Matt Taylor, AgriNorthwest

Maury Balcom, B & B Potato LLC

Max Burns, Virgil Max Burns Farms

Mehlenbacher Farms, Inc.

Melissa Bedlington-Kleindel, Dick Bedlington Farms, LLC

Michael Connors, Basin Gold

Michael Hughes, Hughes Farms

Mike Jones, Jones Farms

Mike Pink, Pink Farms

Mike Wollman, Warden Hutterian Brethren

Molly Connors, Basin Gold

Nic Boorman, Boorman Farms LLC

Nick Johnson, Johnson Agriprises, Inc.

Owen Olsen, OSR Ag

Pascal Bolduc, Friehe Farms

Pat C. Connors, Skone &, Inc.

Paul Wollman, Warden Hutterian Brethren

Philip Gross, Spokane Hutterian Brethren

Randee Bergeson, RW Bergeson Farms

Randi Hammer, Mullen Farms

Randy Mullen, Mullen Farms

Ray Wardenaar, Sunray Farms, LLC

Regan Grabner, CSS Farms, LLC

Reid Baker, Baker Farms

Reuben James, James Bros., Inc.

Richard Underwood, Underwood Farms

Rob Davis, RHD, Inc.

Robert Hayton, Hayton Farms

Robert Schutte, Airway Farms

Robert Woyak, Woyak Farms, Inc.

Rod Schutte, Airway Farms

Roger Hawley, Hawley Farms, LLC

Roger Jungquist, Maple Wood Farms, Inc.

Roger Knutzen, Knutzen Farms LP

Ron Walker, Walker Brothers

Ronald Abrams, Abrams Homestead Farms, LLC

Roy Morrow, CSS Farms, LLC

Samantha Bedlington, Pure Potato LLC

Sammy Stahl, Stahl Hutterian

Scott Bedlington, Dick Bedlington Farms, LLC

Scott Galbreath, Columbia Bank

Shelley Olsen, Two O’s

Signature Farms LLC

Stacey Calvert, Calvert Farms

Steve Connors, Skone & Connors Produce Inc.

Steve Jorgensen, Steve Jorgensen Farms

Steven Parkinson, Industrial Ventilation, Inc.

Story Farms LLC

Ted Tschirky, Tschirky Farms

Tim Wallace, Wallace Farms/G&D Wallace, Inc.

TJ Dykema, Trb Dykema LLC

Todd Thaemert, Thaemert Farms LLC

Tom Dodge, Dodge & Dodge Farms

Tom Kummer, Tom Kummer Farms Inc

Tom Shane, Treehouse Produce, Inc.

Travis Meacham, Friehe Farms

Travis Stuber, Gallatin Grown LLC

Traye Radach, Radach Farms

Triple S Farms

Troy Fletcher, Fletcher Farms

Tyler Knutzen, Knutzen Farms LP

Tyler Tschirky, Sand Ridge Farms

Ubaldo Martinez, Saddle View Farms

Val Schwendiman Farms, LLC

Wade Stults, Cornerstone Production Company

Warren Horning, Horning Brothers LLC

Wes Boorman, Boorman Farms LLC

Wiley Allred, Sand Slopes Acres

Willy Walter, Schoonover Farms