Unlike most specialty crops, potatoes are commercially produced in most states by primarily multi-generational family-owned farms, creating full-time and seasonal jobs, generating tax revenue, and supporting the economies of countless communities.
Whether they are grown for the fresh market, for processing into French fries or other products, or as seed for the following year, more than 901,000 acres of potatoes were planted in more than 30 states in 2022, with a farmgate value of more than $5.1 billion.
The U.S. potato sector is a driving force of America’s economic prosperity. In 2021 alone, the total economic contribution of U.S. potato value chain is estimated to be $100.9 billion. Learn more about the economic benefits of the U.S. potato industry at nationalpotatocouncil.org/spudnation.
Data compiled by USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service include acreage, yield per acre, production, farm disposition, season average price, value, and utilization of sales, processing with historic comparisons, and stocks for the major producing states.