Potato D.C. Fly-In

Each year, growers and industry partners from around the country come together at the Potato D.C. Fly-In to make a difference on issues impacting the potato industry. The fly-in is open to all potato growers and industry leaders who want to be an advocate for their industry in our nation’s capital. Due to D.C. government, […]

NPC Annual Meeting

At the 2021 Annual Meeting, NPC's Board of Directors will elect the next set of grower leaders and identify the policy priorities that will help advance the health and well being of the U.S. potato industry. Due to D.C. government, congressional, and federal agency restrictions regarding COVID, the National Potato Council moved the 2021 Annual […]

2021 Summer Meeting VIRTUAL

Each summer, growers and industry leaders from across the country meet to discuss public policy and organizational objectives at the National Potato Council’s Summer Meeting. Due to ongoing travel challenges, NPC announced that its 2021 Summer Meeting will be held as a 100 percent virtual event, July 26-28.

Potato Expo 2022

Anaheim Convention Center 800 W Katella Ave, Anaheim, CA, United States

We are excited to bring the potato community back together for an in-person Potato Expo 2022, January 5-6 in Anaheim, Calif. Registration is now open! Register and learn more at potato-expo.com.

Summer Meeting 2022

Renaissance Nashville Hotel 611 Commerce Street, Nashville, TN, United States

Each summer, potato growers and industry leaders from across the country come together for public policy and organizational updates at NPC’s Summer Meeting. Meeting attendees participate in NPC’s Legislative, Environmental, Trade, and Grower Outreach and Industry Research, and Finance Committee meetings where a wide range of important topics to the grower community are discussed.

PILI Alumni Summit

Renaissance Nashville Hotel 611 Commerce Street, Nashville, TN, United States

Join the Potato Leadership, Education, and Advancement Foundation (PLEAF) in Nashville for the first in-person Leadership Institute Alumni Summit! The Alumni Summit will bring together Leadership Institute graduates of all years to network, refresh skills, and learn new techniques to better position themselves for success in the potato industry. All past graduates of the Leadership […]

Potato Expo 2023

Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center 6700 North Gaylord Rockies Boulevard, Aurora, CO, United States

Join us at Potato Expo 2023, Jan. 4-5 in Aurora, Colorado, to be part of the largest annual potato industry conference and trade show held in North America! Learn more at potato-expo.com.

2023 Potato Industry Leadership Institute

The Potato Industry Leadership Institute brings together outstanding potato growers and industry representatives for eight days of training and professional development. The annual program is held in February with activities in a potato growing region and Washington, D.C. The 2023 Leadership Institute will be held February 22 - March 3, 2023 beginning in the state […]

2023 NPC Washington Summit

Washington Marriott at Metro Center 775 12th St NW, Washington, DC, United States

NPC’s annual Washington Summit provides a forum for potato industry members to discuss, define, and advocate for the policy priorities impacting their businesses and protecting their ability to farm.

2023 Summer Meeting

Hyatt Regency Lake Tahoe Resort 111 Country Club Dr., Incline Village, NV, United States

The 2023 NPC Summer Meeting will be attended by potato growers and industry leaders from all major production areas in the United States. Attendees establish and implement potato industry public policy priorities on a national level. Discussions will be held on top issues for the potato industry such as trade policy, immigration and transportation. The […]